Caregiver Health: Depression and Caregiving
The responsibilities of a caregiver may take a serious toll on their health, even contributing to depression at times. See what you can do to deal with it.
The responsibilities of a caregiver may take a serious toll on their health, even contributing to depression at times. See what you can do to deal with it.
How will you know when it’s time to find respite care to step in and help? Use these red flags to guide your decision.
Caregiver burnout is experienced by many family caregivers and is nothing to be ashamed of. Here are some ways to fight it!
Millions of caregivers take care of more than one person at a time- a growing phenomenon known as “compound caregiving”. Here are some important tips!
Although serving as an informal caregiver is highly rewarding, it can also be physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding. If you’re an independent senior who relies upon an informal caregiver, these are some things that they might want you to know.
Many older adults who are caring for an ill spouse are also too proud to ask for help, which then places the health and wellbeing of both parties at risk. To help ensure that doesn’t happen to you, use these caregiving tips from the experts.
Caregiving is not only physically demanding and time consuming, it can also have a detrimental effect on one’s emotional and mental health. In honor of Mental Health Month, here are 4 reliable ways for caregivers to stay mentally strong.
Many people use to-do lists when planning a vacation, home improvement project or for managing their personal finances. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who take care of an aging in place loved one, a to-do list is also important so that you can more efficiently balance those informal caregiving duties with a household, job and kids.
Your aging in place elderly mother has been in declining health for several years now. She lives nearby, so you and your spouse take turns providing mom with the care she needs. But you both also have jobs, a household and two active children to manage. Some days you and your spouse hardly see one another at all, and now the kids are starting to complain. What should you do?
Providing care to an elderly loved one is a labor of love, but millions of family caregivers every year experience a condition called “caregiver fatigue”. Caregiver fatigue is common amongst members of the “Sandwich Generation”, or those adults who are caught in between raising children and caring for an elderly parent at the same time. Thankfully, staying recharged and refreshed is possible when using these tips from the pros.