Diet & Nutrition

What Are the Best Ways to Eat Healthier as a Family Caregiver?

Caregiver in Raleigh NC You probably already know that your elderly loved one needs a healthy, balanced diet, but are you getting the same yourself? It's time to take a look at what you're eating so you can keep being an awesome family caregiver. Don't Deny Yourself Eating a healthier diet isn't about denying yourself [...]

By |2024-03-18T13:31:32-04:00September 9, 2016|Categories: Diet & Nutrition|Tags: |

The Best Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

Calcium is an essential nutrient for aging adults.  As adults age, they lose bone density and can become at risk for osteoporosis if they do not consume the calcium they need.  This is especially true for aging women.  Most caregivers know that one of the best sources of calcium is dairy products, but how can [...]

By |2024-03-18T13:31:38-04:00June 10, 2016|Categories: Osteoporosis & Bone Health, Diet & Nutrition|Tags: |

Different Types of Seeds and Their Health Benefits for Seniors

Seeds are not just for gardening!  In fact, there are many seeds that can provide great health benefits to elderly adults when eaten regularly. Several different types of seeds can be a great addition to an elderly adult’s health diet and they can be delicious, too.  Read on for a list of some of the [...]

By |2024-03-18T13:31:49-04:00January 29, 2016|Categories: Diet & Nutrition|Tags: |
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