Home Care in Cary, NC
It might still be winter, but that does not mean that you have to only think about snow and roaring fires. Now is the perfect time for you to start planning ahead for your parents’ springtime gardening and summer outdoor entertaining a regular part of your home care routine with them. Thinking about these fun activities is a fantastic way to break through the tedium of the cold winter months, ward off feelings of depression and anxiety that are common during the darker months of the year, and get them excited for all of the activities that are coming in the upcoming seasons.
This activity is perfect for your aging parents to do with you or with their in home health care services provider as a mentally stimulating activity that will get their minds working, trigger memories, and strengthen their minds through sensory stimulation. Making these stepping stones together lets you capture the natural beauty of the world around you and give your parents’ lawn or garden a personalized touch that they will enjoy seeing and showing off throughout the warmer months.
What You Will Need
• Quick setting concrete mix (Quikrete works well)
• Play sand
• A pair of wire cutters
• A roll of chicken wire
• A large bucket (paint buckets are fine)
• A block of Styrofoam
• A couple of wooden boxes
• Leaves and other natural accents that you would like to preserve in your stepping stones
What to Do
• Cut a large leaf off of the plant, or choose another natural accent that you would like to use.
• Create a flat platform of sand several inches thick on your work area. If the weather is good enough you might want to do this project outside to minimize the mess, but you can also do it in a garage or another place that you can fully protect with a drop cloth or tarp, and that will not be disturbed during the curing stage.
• Smooth out the large leaf over the mound of sand and arrange any other natural accents such as pine needles around it to create your desired pattern.
• Cut the wire mesh using the wire cutters so that it is roughly the size of the leaf design.
• Fill the bucket a quarter of the way with water.
• Add in the quick setting concrete and stir according to the directions on the package.
• Fold the edges of the wire mesh up around the leaf.
• Pour the concrete on top of the leaf.
• Spread the concrete around the leaf.
• Apply the mesh over the concrete.
• Pour additional concrete on top of the mesh.
• Spread the concrete around to cover the mesh completely.
• Fold up the edges of the leaf to smooth the edges of the concrete.
• Make sure to cover the mesh in all areas.
• Use the wooden boxes and Styrofoam to weigh down and shape the leaf.
• Allow to sit overnight to cure before lifting your new stepping stone up and remove the leaf and other accents to reveal the impressions.
If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Cary, NC or the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at HomeChoice Home Care Services. Call today (919) 847-5622