Elder Care in Raleigh NC

Spring is finally here and that means warmer weather, longer days, and fresh, green nature that tempts you out and encourages you to spend more of your elder care journey with your loved one Elder-Care-in-Raleigh-NCoutside. Planning a picnic with your parent is a fantastic way to spend quality time with her and make memories that you can treasure. Whether you head out to your local park or beach, bring your picnic on a day trip to a site of interest, or just lay out a blanket in your own backyard, the food that you prepare should be carefully planned.

Spring brings a new abundance of fresh produce that offers exceptional nutrition and bright, delicious flavor. This recipe is for a pasta salad that steers away from the heavy mayonnaise-based dressing that is common on pasta salads and chooses instead a sweet and tangy honey mustard and oil dressing that perfectly complements a rainbow of vegetables. This dish offers protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients for a salad that is so delicious, satisfying, and nutritious you could even enjoy it as your main dish rather than putting it on the side.


What You Will Need

  • Ricotta salata
  • 1/2 of a cup of fresh dill
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 pint of grape tomatoes
  • 1 twelve ounce jar of roasted yellow peppers
  • 12 ounces of cavatappi pasta
  • 4 ounces of asparagus
  • 1 box of frozen peas
  • 1/3 of a cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard
  • Salt
  • Fresh black pepper
  • A small bowl
  • A whisk
  • A sharp knife
  • A cutting board
  • A large pot
  • A frying pan


What to Do

  • Remove and defrost the frozen peas
  • Chop the yellow peppers and set aside
  • Halve the grape tomatoes and set aside
  • Mince the shallot and set aside
  • Chop the fresh dill and set aside
  • Zest and juice the lemon and set aside, separated
  • Grate the clove of garlic and set aside
  • Fill the pot with water and place over high heat
  • Fill the frying pan with water and place over high heat
  • Once the pan is boiling, toss in the asparagus and allow to blanch
  • When the pot is boiling, toss in the cavatappi pasta
  • Allow the pasta to cook per directions and then strain under cold water to shock
  • Remove the asparagus once it has blanched, and thinly slice along the bias
  • In the small bowl, add the olive oil, Dijon mustard, garlic, honey zest and juice
  • Whisk them together until they are well incorporated
  • When well incorporated, season with salt to taste
  • When salted, season with pepper to taste
  • Toss the pasta with the defrosted peas, shallots, peppers, asparagus and dill
  • When well tossed, pour the dressing over the salad
  • Repeat the tossing process, making sure to well coat the pasta with the dressing
  • Allow the salad to sit as the pasta soaks in the flavor of the dressing
  • When ready to serve, add to a bowl and shave the ricotta salata over the top
  • Serve cold or room temperature


If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Raleigh, NC or the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at HomeChoice Home Care Services. Call today (919) 847-5622