
Home Care in Chapel Hill NC: You’re Trying to Balance Mom’s Wishes with Her Safety

You know your mother is a strong, independent woman. At times she may seem stubborn or ornery, and while she’s getting older and dealing with certain health issues and limited mobility, you have done whatever you can to help her. However, you’re concerned about her safety, yet she still wants to do things.

It’s a tough balance to maintain.

Just because somebody may be in their 70s, 80s, or 90s doesn’t mean they want to sit around every day in their own home, just to be safe. Your mother may have a desire to go outside, go for walks, do some gardening, spend time with friends, and more. You may be concerned about her safety if she pursues certain activities like this.

That’s where a home care aide can be extremely beneficial.

By hiring home care support services your mother may still be able to do a lot of the activities she enjoys. She might be able to garden, spend time outside, go to the park, do shopping, spend time with friends, and much more. All of these activities can cause you a great deal of anxiety because you envision her getting injured trying to pursue them.

With a home care aide supporting her, providing her the physical assistance she needs to get around and even complete certain tasks, she not only has the opportunity to enjoy life as she sees fit, but she will also stay safer.

Learn as much about home care as possible.

If you’re concerned your mother may shoot down the idea of home care services right away, she may have certain misconceptions about it. That’s why it’s important for you, as a family member, to learn as much as you can about these services.

There are many options available when it comes to home care. Your mother may discover that staying safe should be a top priority, but she can still do many of the things she wishes to continue enjoying.

Talk about the risks she faces every day.

As people get older they may have a difficult time seeing their own limitations and limited mobility. Your mother might be in very much that type of situation. Discuss some of the risk factors she’s facing, even if she doesn’t readily admit them herself.

The more your mother is open to the idea of accepting outside assistance and support, the easier it’s going to be for you to convince her that home care is a great option at this point in her life.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Chapel Hill, NC or the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at HomeChoice Home Care Services. Call today (919) 847-5622