Home Care in Chapel Hill NC

A home care provider can be a fantastic addition to your elder care journey with your aging loved ones. Whether you live at a distance, have limitations of your own that make it difficult or Home-Care-Chapel-Hill-NCimpossible for you to fulfill their specific needs safely and effectively, or you simply want to enhance their care with additional social interaction and activity opportunities, establishing a home care relationship for your seniors is a wonderful way to give them and yourself peace of mind that they are getting the care, assistance, and support that they need to live the quality of life they desire.

In order for your parents to get the most benefit from their care relationship with their provider, it is important that you cooperate with her, building a team approach that ensures you maintain control over the care and can manage any changes that need to be made. To do this you must maintain open communication.

Communication is vital when it comes to giving your seniors the care that they need. You must not only be able to communicate with them about their needs and the successes or shortfalls of their care plan, but you must also be able to communicate with their home care provider so that you can establish needs, create care approaches, and stay in touch about new, worsened, or changed requirements. Through establishing a trusting and cooperative relationship with the care provider, you can gather important information about your parents’ health and wellbeing, get recommendations for things you might want to change in order to improve your care, and give constant feedback in order to ensure the care provider is doing what she needs to do in order to give your parents the appropriate level of care and assistance.


Use these tips to establish and maintain open lines of communication with your elderly loved ones’ home care provider:

• Start on a friendly note. First impressions are important but while you are trying to form your first impression of the care provider, remember that she is forming an opinion of you as well. Do your best to be friendly, welcoming, and calm when she first meets you so that you immediately create an impression of being open for communication and developing a relationship.

• Provide contact information. Give the care provider all of your contact information so that she has access to as many avenues to get in touch with you as possible, such as your cell phone number, your home phone number, your email address, and your social media. Go a step further to ensure the care provider feels comfortable contacting you by detailing when she should use each type of communication.

• Reach out. Do not always wait around for the care provider to be the one who starts the conversations. Keep in mind that many care providers are not comfortable bringing up issues or making suggestions that are not solicited because they worry that they seem pushy or out of place. Check in with her regularly, ask how everything is going, and show your willingness to listen to her thoughts and opinions so that she becomes comfortable bringing things to your attention.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care services in Chapel Hill, NC or the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at HomeChoice Home Care Services. Call today (919) 847-5622